Believers are tired of the empty promises of "easy-believe-it" and "name-it-and-claim-it" gospels. They are disillusioned with "The Secret" and its "speak it into being" prosperity. We know that life doesn't happen that way.

That's magic and it isn't real. Real life is tough, and success is hard-won. Our coaches ascribe to evangelical Christian values. Regardless of their faith or Christian denomination, our coaches work from a conviction that is rooted firmly in values tried and true for 2000 years of Christian history - that is something real, something you can trust.

Lutheran Community Services Northwest has been the ministry, hands extended for Lutherans, in the Northwest for more than 85 years. Let us serve you. Ethics, strong Christian values, and a mission to partner with individuals and communities for health, hope and justice is what drives us. Let us help you discover what drives you- your purpose, your calling, and your truth.