Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.

Janie is a woman in her mid-forties who has been successful in her career, but struggles with a sense of inadequacy. She has been mentored by several professionals in high profile positions that tell her of her potential and challenge her to step up and take the golden ring.

She is working with her coach to uncover her strengths so that she can set her sights on a position that will challenge her professionally.


Business & Executive Solutions

Did you know?

Life coaching has its roots in executive coaching, whose techniques developed from management consulting and leadership training. So, naturally, it is a great choice for anyone who seeks to discover their strengths and assets as a business leader, and to add perspective, awareness and efficiency to your professional team.

Coaching Options


Business leaders are mindful of the need for succession planning, talent development, and development of thought leaders. As your management team identifies staff that they would like to develop for current or future leadership responsibilities, our coaches are available to assist your internal processes to coach leadership, creativity, and professional development.


The cost of turnover is exponential. When business leaders factor in office culture and staff morale, the cost for replacing staff increases ten-fold. Our coaches will partner with your management team members and/or HR direct staff to assist your internal processes and coach to specific personnel issues. The coaching focus here is on enhancing communication, conflict resolution and motivation for change in an effort to assist the identified staff person in their maintaining their current position.

As with personal life coaching, the first, "get acquainted" session for these business services is complementary, so that you can decide if a particular coach is a good fit for you and your organization.

Business Life Coaching in Action

The problem with plans is that sometimes they work and most of the time they have unintentional consequences. While we can work with your team on building high trust and high outputs, you may find that not all of the team leads on your project really step up to embrace the challenge of the new initiative. Why? Do they not agree with it, not have the materials or technology needed or the know-how to follow through? Or do they just not get it? So many questions... As a leader, you may not have the time or energy to get to the bottom of these questions, but the clock is still ticking and the company needs this team lead to step up. A coach can step in and work with your leadership staff to identify challenges and points that your team may be stuck on. At this point, your coach may apply laser focus toward helping your team leads to step up and create breakthroughs that launch your special projects with amazing velocity.