Be the change you want to see in the world.


Rory is a man who has been working in the hospitality industry for close to 20 years.

Rory works with a coach to identify the aspects of his life where he is really satisfied and notices that he has really neglected his creative and social self. Rory determines that he wants to envision a job that allows for him to be creative and social.


Coaching isn't rocket science; it's the fuel that propels the rocket to great heights.

You have goals that have been a challenge to work through on your own. We can help you understand why those goals keep coming to your awareness, plan out a strategy for breaking through to those goals, support you as you work through your life goals, and consult with you about sustaining your transformation. You get a coach for your body - why not get a coach for your life?

Anyone can benefit from life coaching.

Life Coaching will help you to discover the power we each have within us for choosing the life we truly want. Life Coaches partner with you to create a life of true meaning, purpose and fulfillment by:

Consciously exploring who you are in your relationships, family, career, spirituality, and all that makes you who you are

Helping you to clarify your dreams and to create a plan to develop your preferred future

Supporting you in your journey through accountability and giving you gentle reminders of the level of personal responsibility that is inherent in consciously living out your dreams

Celebrating your accomplishments with you

Helping you plan for a sustainable future

Helping you to learn how to MAKE time for the most important things in your life

Helping you to learn to eliminate the distractions and interruptions that are stealing your time and energy

Helping you to say NO to low-priority tasks you shouldn't be doing

Helping you to learn the art of having passion infused in everything you do in your life

The modern American lifestyle has become increasingly more complex and stressful.


Our coaches are trained professionals who can work with you to address one or more of the following common stressors:

  • Relationships and intimacy
  • Social anxiety
  • Stress management and balance
  • Spirituality and personal growth
  • Entrepreneurial and small business development
  • Career planning and development
  • Motivation and time management
  • Creativity for artists, writers, musicians and performers
  • Finances and budgeting
  • Health, aging, lifestyle and self-care
  • Weight issues
  • Family and parenting
  • And much more