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Life Coaching

Rory: Successful in business, but seeks more out of life...

Rory is a man who has been working in the hospitality industry for close to 20 years. While he is well paid, he senses that there must be more. Rory works with a coach to identify the aspects of his life where he is really satisfied and notices that he has really neglected his creative and social self. Rory determines that he wants to envision a job that allows for him to be creative and social.

Mary: Mother of 3, seeks professional direction and life-work balance...

Mary is a woman in her early thirties who has just given birth to her third child. She is on maternity leave and is working with her coach to determine whether or not she wants to go back into the corporate position she is on leave from, create a home-based business or throw all of her energy into supporting her husband's small business.

Janie: Seeks to see professional strengths that her mentors tell her are there...

Janie is a woman in her mid-forties who has been successful in her career, but struggles with a sense of inadequacy. She has been mentored by several professionals in high profile positions that tell her of her potential and challenge her to step up and take the golden ring. But Janie cannot see the leadership, management and professional strengths that her mentors tell her are there. She is working with her coach to uncover her strengths so that she can set her sights on a position that will challenge her professionally.

Micah: Single, seeks meaning and satisfaction - with or without a relationship...

Micah is a young man who is wondering what is wrong with him. He is in his early twenties and hasn't been in a significant long-term relationship. He wants to find someone, settle down and start a family. Micah is working with his coach to evaluate his whole person and then to envision a life that has purpose, meaning and satisfaction - with or without a relationship.

Harold: Recently retired, finds purpose by attending graduate school...

Harold is a 65-year-old gentleman who has recently retired. His first six months of retirement were so boring and unsatisfying that he decided to go back to school. Now he is in graduate school and working with his coach to decide what he wants to do with his life.

"Last summer I was at a loss as to how to get my life back on track. Kathleen helped me identify the domains in my life that I wanted to work on. By utilizing my strengths, she helped me come up with new approaches and empowered me to choose my own recovery path. Kathleen was wonderful as a coach."

- Debbie P.