Ability is what you're capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it.



Life Coaching

How is Life Coaching different from counseling?

The boundary between coaching and counseling is often fuzzy. We define them this way... Coaching is about breaking through barriers that get in the way of you having the best life you can imagine. Counseling is about using the past to identify causes of emotional wounds, diagnosing emotional/psychological issues and creating a treatment plan based on medical necessity.

Coaching is about looking at your present life with curious eyes and asking courageous questions - Who am I? Who do I want to be? How do I get there from here? When you work on breaking old patterns and barriers, emotions surface and we see them as a natural part of growth. However, these emotions are not the work of coaching. If significant emotional or psychological issues arise, it is the job of the Life Coach to refer the client to a counselor. Life Coaches do not provide counseling to their life-coaching clients.

+ More About Life Coaching

What is the cost of coaching?

Coaching is a process of directing a client towards a specific goal with a positive outcome. Our rate is competitive, reasonable and respectful of our professional staff. Most of our clients find that our coaching rate is similar to their out-of-pocket expense when seeing a therapist

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Can I talk with my coach before I commit to coaching?

Yes! Our coaching team works in partnership with you to create an individualized coaching program to fit your needs. This begins with a coaching consultation between you and our Team Leader, in which the two of you will work to identify a coach. The next step includes a complimentary "get acquainted" session just to see if your coach is going to be a good fit for you and the work you have set out to address in coaching. It's all about you, so you get to pick your coach before you get started.

+ Meet the Coaches

Just how does coaching work?

Many of our clients appreciate the flexibility and freedom to work with their coach over the phone. Some of our coaches are available to meet with in person. But what if the coach that really is the best fit is hundreds of miles away from you? We can use many forms of technology to link you up, just like you are in the room with your coach.

+ More About Life Coaching

What are some of the areas that coaches can help?

Our coaches have a broad range of expertise. A few of our focus areas are, life transitions, family life and parenting, women's issues, and teens in transition to adulthood.

+ More About Life Coaching
+ How to Create Your Best Life

How can coaching help my personal development?

Life is about change. Personal development coaching helps you gain awareness of what really brings satisfaction, energy and passion to your life. We can help you to dig deep and then to begin creating your life around those focus areas that really bring meaning and purpose to your life.

+ More About Life Coaching
+ How to Create Your Best Life

Are there any clients your coaches don't work with?

Life is about change. Personal development coaching helps you gain awareness of what really brings satisfaction, energy and passion to your life.

Do you offer career coaching?

We work with lots of people who are looking toward a career transition. Whether that is identifying a new career that meets your primary purpose, advancing in your career field, or planning for an "exit strategy" from your career and into a new field, we can work with you to make sure your true self emerges in your career planning.

Do you work with younger people?

It is common for a parent to sponsor a young person in coaching. We work with a lot of youths as they begin college and career planning. When we work with an underage person, or a client who is sponsored by another, we engage in a coaching contract that includes some degree of information sharing. This does not apply to specifics, but is more related to attendance and mutually agreed information.

What if I don't like my coach?

No problem. Your first call will be to our Team Leader. The two of you will work together to identify the best coach to partner with you. Your next call will be to your new coach for a 15-20 minute "get acquainted" session that will allow you both to decide if you're a good fit for each other. If not, the Team Leader will work with you to find a coach who is a better fit for the work you have to do.

How can coaching help my business?

In any business the stress of managing profitability is high and unending. Executives, entrepreneurs and business owners today face epic challenges. Most must work hard to simultaneously figure out how to be profitable today, while planning for growth through new ventures, products or lines of service. Our coaches will help you set reasonable work/life balance goals, as well as stretch goals that will propel your business forward, while keeping you sane.

+ Learn More About our Business & Executive Solutions

Do your coaches offer public speaking?

Yes, many of our coaches are open to future public speaking events. Please call us if you have an opportunity that you would like us to consider.